Friday, March 2, 2012


Me with 17 things... (Day 2 of drawing the Photo a Day Challenge for March).
I pictured this in the style of Frida Kahlo's self portraits, and didn't quite get it there, but tried hard not to pretty myself up... If only I had an epic unibrow! :)
And yes, I stole one of Frida's monkeys... What of it? :)



  1. Goodness, I find selfies almost impossible with a camera, I can't imagine the process of sitting down to create a self portrait from scratch! You've done an awesome job... I am so looking forward to seeing you work your way through the March prompts.

    1. It wasn't the easiest, I'll admit.
      And I kind of forgot about the March Challenge today... Luckily I remembered in time to alter today's drawing... lol :)

  2. This is great. I always love your drawings! 17 things - it is like a puzzle.

    1. It really is... Some are muc easier to spot than others. :)

  3. What Sarah said! So many pieces coming together to create a gorgeous picture. Selfies are so hard regardless of media, you've done a spectacular job. If your drawing is anything to go off you are very pretty :-)

    1. They aren't the easiest. It's hard to get the really honest depiction of yourself you're after.
      There's another on the last day of the month, so we'll see if I can do one I like more.
      The last self portrait of mine that I feel was truly accurate and well done I drew in 2002, so it's been a while... lol :)
