Today's drawing- Day 29! Click to see more detail.Step 1. Start with clean, dry, brushed hair parted wherever you like. Then add a little product (whatever you would normally use, my hair gets fly away’s so I use Frizz Ease). And spritz lightly with water. Put your headband over your hair so it is near your hairline and sits comfortably around your head (use one that is very stretchy or quite loose so it doesn’t dig in).
Clean, dry, pink and purple hair...Step 2. Start at the front of your hair, on one side of your part and bring a section of hair up, and tuck it under the headband so the band is ‘wrapped’ in your hair. Smaller sections wrapped tighter make lots of tight curls. The larger the sections you use and the looser you wrap, the looser the curls will be. This method can make anything from tight ringlets to beachy waves, so experiment!
Step 3. Repeat step 2 with the next section of hair. The first section should automatically be caught up and wrapped with the second. Continue to wrap hair until you get to the back of your head (I stop in the middle and then pin the last of the hair down so it doesn’t escape).
Step 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other side of your head. When you are finished pin the hair. It should look something like figure 4. This process literally doesn’t take me more than 10 minutes.
Side viewStep 5. I personally quite like the way this looks, and am happy to go out like it. It is also ideal to do before bed, and when I do so I tie a silk scarf around my head to help prevent fly aways. This step is optional, but you will feel very retro and cool. So get some sleep, or go about your day. Either way, leave your hair up for several hours.
Yes, I am very cheery with my hair up!Step 6. Wake up, and remove headscarf (morning coffee optional). Your hair will have almost certainly shifted in your sleep. This doesn’t matter at all. If hair feels too damp (too much product, or overzealous with the water) you might like to give your hair a quick blow with a hair dryer. I am yet to have to do so.

Morning me, with slightly shifted hair.Step 7. Remove pins. Loosen hair by gently pulling on the headband. Gently and carefully remove curls from headband (I find it helps to start from the back and work slowly). This step and the next combined usually take me around five minutes.
LOTS of curls!Step 8. Depending on the curls you might find running your fingers through is all you need to do, or a careful brush or comb. Twist curls to reform. If your hair doesn’t hold curls well, you might like to spray it with hairspray, etc.
Very bright curls.So there you go. Around 15 minutes work, no heat, and a head full of luxurious curls. This is so easy to do, and the results are so great, you may get addicted!
And this...
Is how I actually ended up wearing my hair today.